The Judge-in-Charge is the Head of the Commercial Division. Apart from hearing cases,
he is responsible for the day to day supervision of the Commercial Court.
He ensures that the Court operates effectively and efficiently and that cases are disposed of expeditiously, and, most importantly, that judgments and rulings are, inasmuch as is possible, delivered within the time frames prescribed by the rules governing the Court’s practice and procedure.
Also, the Judge-in-Charge is the link between the Division and its stakeholders and co-operating partners. He oversees the development and implementation of all projects, programs and activities of the Commercial Division.
The Judge-in-Charge is appointed by the Chief Justice and his tenure of office is indefinite.
The Office of the Judge-in-Charge is at the Blantyre Registry which is also the Headquarters of the Division. It can be accessed by any person at any time, preferably by appointment.
He ensures that the Court operates effectively and efficiently and that cases are disposed of expeditiously, and, most importantly, that judgments and rulings are, inasmuch as is possible, delivered within the time frames prescribed by the rules governing the Court’s practice and procedure.
Also, the Judge-in-Charge is the link between the Division and its stakeholders and co-operating partners. He oversees the development and implementation of all projects, programs and activities of the Commercial Division.
The Judge-in-Charge is appointed by the Chief Justice and his tenure of office is indefinite.
The Office of the Judge-in-Charge is at the Blantyre Registry which is also the Headquarters of the Division. It can be accessed by any person at any time, preferably by appointment.