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Posted on : Tuesday, 30-Mar-2021
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The Judiciary has taken heed of the declaration of a State of National Disaster throughout Malawi made by His Excellency the State President of the Republic of Malawi.

The Judiciary is also mindful of the declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the spread of Coronavirus (the virus that causes Covid-19) is now a global pandemic. Coronavirus poses a serious health threat to the entire Malawian population.

Whilst it remains essential and in the public interest that the Judiciary should continue to administer justice during this period, the public health threat posed by Coronavirus calls for measures to adjust the operations and processes of the Judiciary with a view to minimizing the health risks which Coronavirus poses to Judicial Officers, Members of Staff of the Judiciary, Legal Practitioners, other professional court users and public users of the court system.

In view of these considerations, Honourable the Chief Justice has direct that the following measures, relating to the operations and processes of the Judiciary throughout Malawi, be implemented with immediate effect:

1. All officers in all cost centres must work in 3 shifts with immediate effectwhile the rest work from home.

2. All chamber matters must be conducted in open court.

3. Where facilities are available, court proceedings may be conducted virtually.

4. Virtual meetings are encouraged. Where physical meetings are unavoidable, ensure that all Covid-19 preventive measures are observed.

5. NO officer or court user should be allowed entry into court premises without wearing a mask.

6. All cost centre managers must make arrangements for provision of masks to all officers in their constituencies.

7. Cost centre managers to ensure social distancing, hand washingand sanitizing before entry into court premises.

8. Cost centre managers to ensure periodic disinfection of court premises.

9. Gun thermometers must be used at strategic entry points to court premises.

10. If an officer feels sick or any of their contacts tests Covid-19 positive, they must immediately inform their supervisor who will assist them on the appropriate steps to take. All cost centre managers are directed to work hand in hand with Court Administrators to ensure compliance with these measures. The managers also bear the responsibility to report any infections to the office of the Registrar for further necessary guidance and action.

Gladys Gondwe


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